
Sinclair DMA Exploration

You can find the story that goes with this code right here.

Sinclair DMA Exploration

This JUPYTER notebook explores Nielsen Designated Market Areas (DMAs) in combination with data on the Sinclair Broadcast Group. Here, we will attempt to use Nielson DMAs to document/visualize the spread and growth of Sinclair over the last several decades.

This post mirrors an earlier notebook titled Sinclair Station Exploration and uses data generated in that notebook. As in Sinclair Station Exploration, I'll assume that the current working directory is a clone of this github repo. If you want to find the earlier notebook, you can find it here.

To analyze, combine, and graph the DMA/Sinclair data, we'll first load some libraries that we'll need throughout the notebook. These include:

  • dplyr: Used for group_by(), filter(), summarize(), and mutate() as well as %>% pipes.
  • sp: The base R library used for manipulating geospatial data.
  • rgdal: The R implementation of Frank Warmerdam's Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL). Allows us to read and manipulate shapefiles.
  • maps: A very simple R library containing outlines of the USA and USA states. Although we won't be using these, this library also contains world maps, locations of large US cities, and the locations of large world cities.
  • rjson: Allows the user to convert JSON objects to R data frames.
  • geojsonio: A library that allows us to convert spatial data from GeoJSON format to data frames (and vice-versa). We'll need this for plotting since my tool of choice (ggplot2) requires clean data frames.
  • ggplot2: A flexible plotting tool that generates graphics using a layered grammar of graphics. If you want to know more, I'd recommend spending a bit of time reading through chapters 1 and 2 in Hadley Wickham's ggplot2 book.
  • broom: Used for cleaning up arbitrary R objects into tidy data frames.
  • RColorBrewer: Pretty colors for our graphs.
In [3]:
# Load up some libraries
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(rgdal, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(geojsonio, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
rgdal: version: 1.2-8, (SVN revision 663)
 Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
 Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 2.0.1, released 2015/09/15
 Path to GDAL shared files: C:/Users/dmino/Documents/R/win-library/3.4/rgdal/gdal
 Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.9.2, 08 September 2015, [PJ_VERSION: 492]
 Path to PROJ.4 shared files: C:/Users/dmino/Documents/R/win-library/3.4/rgdal/proj
 Linking to sp version: 1.2-5 

Examining the Data

Our first order of business is to identify the data we have available. Our second order of business is to identify what we want to do with that data.

First Order of Business

We have two sources of data for use in this notebook. The first source sinclair_station_all.csv contains all the data we cleaned and generated in the previous post called Sinclair Station Exploration. As the name implies, this csv file holds information on TV stations owned by Sinclair. The columns of the csv include the station name, transmitter power, location, and the market of the station. Since we already cleaned this data beforehand, we don't need to do any work here.

In [4]:
sinclair_station_all_path <- "sinclair_station_all.csv"
sinclair_station_all_df <- read.csv(sinclair_station_all_path)
In [5]:
Birmingham - Tuscaloosa - Anniston, ALWTTO 21 (28) 1995 765 33.484583; -86.807083 33.48458 -86.80708 1995 NA
Birmingham - Tuscaloosa - Anniston, ALWABM 68 (36) 2001 885 33.484583; -86.807056 33.48458 -86.80706 2001 NA
Birmingham - Tuscaloosa - Anniston, ALWDBB 17 (18) 1995 NA NA NA 1995 NA
Birmingham - Tuscaloosa - Anniston, ALWBMA-LD 58 (40) 2014 885 33.484583; -86.807056 33.48458 -86.80706 2014 NA
Mobile, AL & Pensacola, FL WEAR-TV 3 (17) 1997 1000 30.612611; -87.644889 30.61261 -87.64489 1997 NA
Mobile, AL & Pensacola, FL WPMI-TV 15 (15) 2012 1000 30.61139; -87.607333 30.61139 -87.60733 2012 NA

The second source of data for this notebook is a modified version of Simon Zou's D3 visualization of Nielsen's DMAs. The data resides in Interactive_DMA_Map/nielsengeo.json and Interactive_DMA_Map/nielsentopo.json. These two files hold essentially the same information, except in slightly different formats. See geojson vs topojson for more specifics.

What you'll need to know for this exploration is that we'll be using the more verbose nielsengeo.json file and that this file has all of the data necessary to draw the DMAs. We can load it in two ways:

  • As a pure JSON object, using the fromJSON() function.
  • As a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame using the geojson_read() function.

While R does allow us to work with pure JSON, it's much more useful when programming in javascript (especially when using d3). As such, we'll go with the latter option and create a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object.

In [15]:
# Get the shapefile
dma_geo_path <- "Interactive_DMA_Map/nielsengeo.json"
dma_geo_sh <- geojson_read(dma_geo_path, what = "sp")
In [16]:
head(dma_geo_sh, n = 1) # Show only one Polygon in the DataFrame
An object of class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
Slot "data":
    name latitude tvperc dma                   dma1 cableperc adsperc longitude
662 dma: 32.40435   89.2 662 Abilene-Sweetwater, TX      38.2    51.8 -99.82936

Slot "polygons":
An object of class "Polygons"
Slot "Polygons":
An object of class "Polygon"
Slot "labpt":
[1] -99.80485  32.44001

Slot "area":
[1] 3.550962

Slot "hole":

Slot "ringDir":
[1] 1

Slot "coords":
            [,1]     [,2]
 [1,]  -98.66994 31.70139
 [2,]  -99.01090 31.47284
 [3,]  -99.23628 31.48278
 [4,]  -99.31718 31.41073
 [5,]  -99.62925 31.46787
 [6,]  -99.70437 31.57718
 [7,] -100.23604 31.58215
 [8,] -100.23604 32.08148
 [9,] -101.18378 32.08645
[10,] -101.17222 32.96340
[11,] -100.51920 32.96340
[12,] -100.51920 33.39814
[13,]  -99.47322 33.39814
[14,]  -99.47322 32.95594
[15,]  -98.57748 32.95346
[16,]  -98.57748 32.51623
[17,]  -98.47346 32.51375
[18,]  -98.47346 32.30010
[19,]  -98.92422 32.07900
[20,]  -98.66994 31.70139

Slot "plotOrder":
[1] 1

Slot "labpt":
[1] -99.80485  32.44001

Slot "ID":
[1] "662"

Slot "area":
[1] 3.550962

Slot "plotOrder":
[1] 1

Slot "bbox":
         min       max
x -101.18378 -98.47346
y   31.41073  33.39814

Slot "proj4string":
CRS arguments:
 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 

As you can see from the output above, a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame isn't simply a table, but an object containing members (or "slots", in R parlance) that each describe polygons in different ways. For example, the data slot contains a list of key-value pairs that provide possible labels for that polygon, the coords slot contains a list of points used to draw the polygon, and the area slot calculates the enclosed area.

You can write whole tutorials on how these objects work (and people have), but I'm not going to do that here. Why? Because we'll only need this SpatialPolygonsDataFrame for only a little while longer. If you really want to learn more about GIS and spatial objects in R (it's actually kind of cool), try the guides by Nick Eubank and Claudia Engel; these guys do a much better job than I ever could.

Now, to convert the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame into a standard R data frame, we make clever use of the merge() and tidy() functions:

In [12]:
# Convert the shapefile into a csv
dma_geo_sh@data$id <- rownames(dma_geo_sh@data)
dma_geo_df <- merge(tidy(dma_geo_sh), dma_geo_sh@data, by = "id")
Regions defined for each Polygons
In [19]:
500 -70.97725 43.35754 1 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -70.95991 43.54138 2 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -71.11016 43.50660 3 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -71.12750 43.57367 4 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -71.26042 43.57119 5 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -71.53203 43.76496 6 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301

Tada! This data frame holds basically all the same information as the Spatial version above. Here, the group column tells us which long, lat pairs belong to which polygon. The order column tells us which order to connect the coordinates in. The piece column tells us about DMAs that are made up of multiple polygons (or polygons with holes in them).

For example, the DMA with id = 500 (Portland-Auburn, ME), is composed of 34 pieces. Piece 1 has group = 500.1, piece 2 has group = 500.2, piece 3 has group = 500.3, etc.

In [30]:
# Get some pieces of the Portland-Auburn DMA
piece1_df <- dma_geo_df[dma_geo_df$group == 500.1,]
piece2_df <- dma_geo_df[dma_geo_df$group == 500.2,]
piece34_df <- dma_geo_df[dma_geo_df$group == 500.34,]

# Get top three rows from each piece
example_portland_df <- rbind(head(piece1_df, n = 3), 
                             head(piece2_df, n = 3),
                             head(piece34_df, n = 3))
# Print
1500 -70.97725 43.35754 1 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
2500 -70.95991 43.54138 2 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
3500 -71.11016 43.50660 3 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
75500 -68.82170 44.03078 75 FALSE 2 500.2 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
76500 -68.89683 44.11524 76 FALSE 2 500.2 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
77500 -68.90839 44.09537 77 FALSE 2 500.2 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
236500 -69.68276 43.80968 236 FALSE 34 500.34 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
237500 -69.68854 43.81713 237 FALSE 34 500.34 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
238500 -69.68276 43.81713 238 FALSE 34 500.34 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301

We can use ggplot2 to draw maps if we have data frames with a group property. For all following maps, I'll be using the Albers map projection with lat0 = 37.5 and lat1 = 29.5. This map projection (unlike the Mercator projection, for example) works best when viewing just the US.

In [34]:
# Set the size of output graphics
options(repr.plot.width=8, repr.plot.height=5)
In [50]:
# Define a function that creates a map using the Albers projection
ggalbers <- function() {
    ggplot() +
    coord_map("albers", lat0 = 37.5, lat1 = 29.5) +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.1, color="#666666", face="bold", size=20), 
        axis.text = element_blank(), 
        axis.line = element_blank(), 
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        panel.background = element_blank()
In [51]:
# Get only the Portland-Auburn DMA
dma_portland_df <- dma_geo_df[dma_geo_df$dma == 500,]

# Generate a graph of the Portland-Auburn DMA
ggalbers() +
    geom_polygon(data = dma_portland_df, 
                 color = "red",
                 fill = "gray30",
                 aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) +
    ggtitle("Portland-Auburn DMA")

We can now see why this shape had so many pieces: small piece of land floating off in the Atlantic Ocean!

Now that we have a cursory understanding of how to create these maps, let's stop focusing on Maine and consider the entire USA. We can generate some maps for each of the different properties such as tvperc and cableperc, using almost the same code as above:

In [49]:
# Generate a map for TV ownership by Neilson market
ggalbers() +
    geom_polygon(data = dma_geo_df, 
                 color = "gray80",
                 aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = tvperc)) +
    ggtitle("Neilson DMAs - Percent TV") +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Percentage\nTV Ownership"))
In [52]:
# Generate a map for cable subscriptions by Neilson market
ggalbers() +
    geom_polygon(data = dma_geo_df, 
                 color = "gray80",
                 aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = cableperc)) +
    ggtitle("Neilson DMAs - Percent Cable") +
    guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Percentage\nCable Subs"))

Second Order of Business

Now that we have a good idea of what the data looks like, what are we going to do with it? Well, we want to answer similar questions to those we answered in Sinclair Station Exploration. Namely:

  1. How has the number of markets Sincliar operates inside of changed over time?
  2. How does the spread of these markets look like spatially, from the viewpoint of the US as a whole?

To do this, we'll need to combine dma_geo_df and sinclair_station_all_df by matching each station in sinclair_station_all_df to their designated market in dma_geo_df. Once we do this we'll know which markets Sinclair operates in and when they started that operation.

How can we do this? If you scroll up you'll see that sinclair_station_all_df conveniently has a Market column; this should be the obvious method for matching stations with their markets.

Unfortunately, we won't be able to use this. If you look at the market names in both dataset for a single state (say Illinois), you'll find something like this:

In [10]:
# Show markets in `sinclair_station_all_df` for Illinois
IL_mask <- str_sub(sinclair_station_all_df$Market, start = -2) == "IL"
unique(sinclair_station_all_df[IL_mask, "Market"])
  1. Champaign - Urbana - Decatur - Springfield, IL
  2. Peoria & Bloomington, IL
  3. Cape Girardeau, MO - Paducah, KY - Harrisburg, IL
  4. Hannibal, MO - Quincy, IL
In [11]:
# Show markets in `dma_geo_df` for Illinois
IL_mask <- sapply(dma_geo_df$dma1, function(x) grepl("IL", x))
unique(dma_geo_df[IL_mask, "dma1"])
  1. Chicago, IL
  2. Rockford, IL
  3. Paducah, KY-Cape Girardeau, MO-Harrisburg, IL
  4. Champaign & Springfield-Decatur, IL
  5. Peoria-Bloomington, IL
  6. Davenport, IA-Rock Island-Moline, IL
  7. Quincy, IL-Hannibal, MO-Keokuk, IA

The example above suggests that market names between the two datasets do not seem to match well. Above, we would need to match:

Sinclair Station Market Name Nielsen DMA Market Name
Champaign - Urbana - Decatur - Springfield, IL Champaign & Springfield-Decatur, IL
Peoria & Bloomington, IL Peoria-Bloomington, IL
Cape Girardeau, MO - Paducah, KY - Harrisburg, IL Paducah, KY-Cape Girardeau, MO-Harrisburg, IL
Hannibal, MO - Quincy, IL Quincy, IL-Hannibal, MO-Keokuk, IA

While we can probably figure this out using a bit of regex engineering, we'll take a different approach in this notebook. To match a Sinclair owned station with its market, we'll look at the location (Latitude, Longitude) of the station and determine if it's geographically inside of a given market. This method, while initially more difficult, is a lot less error prone than trying to match strings.

Merge the Datasets

Remember just a little while ago when I said that we won't need to worry about dma_geo_sh because we converted it to a regular data frame called dma_geo_df? I may have lied.

There's a function in the spatial library sp called over (short for "overlay") that takes in two spatial objects (like dma_geo_sh) and tells us whether one is inside of another one. This is exactly what we need to find out which stations are inside of which markets!

It works like this: if we have a list of coordinates called A and a list of polygons called B then the code A %over% B would result in a list that has the same length as A and is composed of objects from B that enclose each coordinate in A.

I think a more concrete example is in order. Lets take a few rows from sinclair_station_all_df:

In [65]:
# Get 5 rows from `sinclair_station_all_df`
test_df <- na.omit(sinclair_station_all_df)
test_samples <- sample(1:nrow(test_df), 5)

203Springfield - Holyoke, MA WGGB-TV 40 (40) 1998-2007 460 42.241667; -72.649167 42.24167 -72.64917 1998 2007
207Kansas City, Missouri KSMO-TV 62 (47) 1996-2005 1000 39.090500; -94.472000 39.09050 -94.47200 1996 2005
208Plattsburgh, NY - Burlington, VT WPTZ 5 (14) 1997-1998 650 44.52556; -72.81556 44.52556 -72.81556 1997 1998
194Colorado Springs - Pueblo, CO KXRM-TV 21 (22) 2013-2014 51 38.745389; -104.860889 38.74539 -104.86089 2013 2014
197Tallahassee, FL - Thomasville, GAWTXL-TV 27 (27) 2001-2006 1000 30.66833; -83.96944 30.66833 -83.96944 2001 2006

Next, convert the locationo of each station into a SpatialPoints object, which is just a list of Longitude, Latitude pairs:

In [66]:
# Convert the data frame to a `SpatialPoints` object
test_sh <- SpatialPoints(test_df[test_samples, c("Longitude", "Latitude")])

# Make sure that the projection from `test_sh` is the same as in `dma_geo_sh`
proj4string(test_sh) <- proj4string(dma_geo_sh)

     Longitude Latitude
203  -72.64917 42.24167
207  -94.47200 39.09050
208  -72.81556 44.52556
194 -104.86089 38.74539
197  -83.96944 30.66833
Coordinate Reference System (CRS) arguments: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84
+no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 

Finally, use the over() function see which DMAs belong to which station:

In [67]:
results_df <- test_sh %over% dma_geo_sh
203dma: 42.38569 94.8 543 Springfield-Holyoke, MA 81.5 14.0 -72.60171
207dma: 39.30423 87.2 616 Kansas City, MO 62.7 24.7 -94.20899
208dma: 44.07130 90.8 523 Burlington, VT-Plattsburgh, NY 52.5 38.7 -73.03687
194dma: 38.06138 86.5 752 Colorado Springs-Pueblo, CO 43.6 43.5 -104.02717
197dma: 30.46230 93.0 530 Tallahassee, FL-Thomasville, GA55.1 38.6 -83.67571

Hey, it works! The column dma1 (the DMA names) from results_df matches the Market column from test_df. And best of all, we didn't need to loop through every DMA polygon and check whether the station we're currently looking at is inside; all of that was done for us.

Now, we can define a function that will repeat the work above:

In [71]:
# A function that looks through `geo_sh` (list of polygons) for the first polygon that
# contains the coordinates in `lon` and `lat`. Once found, it extracts the wanted attribute.
attribute_of_locations <- function(geo_sh, lon, lat, attribute) {
    # Turn `lon`, `lat` into a `SpatialPoints` object
    points_sh <- SpatialPoints(cbind(lon, lat))
    proj4string(points_sh) <- proj4string(geo_sh)
    # Overlay `points_sh` on top of `geo_sh`
    results_df <- points_sh %over% geo_sh

The attribute_of_locations() function takes a list of coordinates (in the form of two separate vectors lon and lat), and for each coordinate, it finds the polygon inside of geo_sh that contains the coordinate. After finding the polygon, i it extracts the wanted attribute from that polygon.

Onto the long awaited moment! We will use attrubute_of_locations() to merge our Sinclair station data and our Nielsen DMA data. The functions filter() and mutate() will be useful:

In [75]:
sinclair_station_dma_df <- sinclair_station_all_df %>% 
    select(c("Market", "Station", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Year.Start", "Year.End")) %>%
    filter(!is.na(Latitude) & !is.na(Longitude)) %>%
    mutate(DMA = attribute_of_locations(dma_geo_sh, Longitude, Latitude, "dma1")) %>%
    mutate(DMA.Code = attribute_of_locations(dma_geo_sh, Longitude, Latitude, "dma"))
In [76]:
Birmingham - Tuscaloosa - Anniston, AL WTTO 33.48458 -86.80708 1995 NA Birmingham (Anniston and Tuscaloosa), AL 630
Birmingham - Tuscaloosa - Anniston, AL WABM 33.48458 -86.80706 2001 NA Birmingham (Anniston and Tuscaloosa), AL 630
Birmingham - Tuscaloosa - Anniston, AL WBMA-LD 33.48458 -86.80706 2014 NA Birmingham (Anniston and Tuscaloosa), AL 630
Mobile, AL & Pensacola, FL WEAR-TV 30.61261 -87.64489 1997 NA Mobile, AL-Pensacola (Ft. Walton Beach), FL 686
Mobile, AL & Pensacola, FL WPMI-TV 30.61139 -87.60733 2012 NA Mobile, AL-Pensacola (Ft. Walton Beach), FL 686
Mobile, AL & Pensacola, FL WFGX 30.61261 -87.64489 2001 NA Mobile, AL-Pensacola (Ft. Walton Beach), FL 686

Now we have an association from each Sinclair TV station to one particular DMA. This is all we need to start answering our questions.

Graphs and Analysis

Let's start our analysis by trying to answer question 1; that is, how many markets has Sinclair operated in over time? Using our merged dataset, we need to look at each DMA and find all the times when Sinclair had at least one station operating. The code below, using group_by(), approximates this.

In [77]:
sinclair_dma_df <- sinclair_station_dma_df %>% 
    group_by(DMA, DMA.Code) %>%
    summarize(Year.Start = min(Year.Start), Year.End = max(Year.End))
In [78]:
Abilene-Sweetwater, TX 662 2017 NA
Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY532 2012 NA
Albany, GA 525 2013 NA
Amarillo, TX 634 2013 NA
Austin, TX 635 2012 NA
Bakersfield, CA 800 2013 NA
In [22]:
dma_attributes_path <- "Interactive_DMA_Map/tv_2017.csv"
dma_attributes_df <- read.csv(dma_attributes_path)
colnames(dma_attributes_df) <- c("DMA.Code", "Rank", "DMA", "TV.Homes", "Percent.of.US")
In [23]:
662 165 Abilene-Sweetwater 113,080 0.099
525 152 Albany, GA 142,800 0.125
532 59 Albany-Schenectady-Troy529,120 0.461
790 48 Albuquerque-Santa Fe 677,590 0.591
644 179 Alexandria, LA 85,560 0.075
583 208 Alpena 16,010 0.014
In [24]:
sinclair_dma_attr_df <- merge(dma_attributes_df[c("DMA.Code", "TV.Homes", "Percent.of.US")], 
                              sinclair_dma_df[c("DMA.Code", "Year.Start", "Year.End")], 
                              by = "DMA.Code")
sinclair_dma_attr_df$TV.Homes <- gsub(",", "", sinclair_dma_attr_df$TV.Homes)
sinclair_dma_attr_df$TV.Homes <- as.numeric(as.character(sinclair_dma_attr_df$TV.Homes))
500 3837000.335 NA NA
503 2329100.203 2014 NA
507 3400500.296 2014 NA
508 11602201.012 1991 NA
511 24766802.159 2014 NA
512 11194800.976 1971 NA
In [25]:
sapply(sinclair_dma_attr_df, class)
In [26]:
# Get temporal limits of the data
max_year <- max(sinclair_dma_attr_df$Year.Start, na.rm = TRUE)
min_year <- min(sinclair_dma_attr_df$Year.Start, na.rm = TRUE)

# Get rid of data that has missing year values
no_na_year_df <- sinclair_dma_attr_df %>% filter(!is.na(Year.Start))

# Create aliases for the two year columns
start_year <- no_na_year_df$Year.Start
end_year <- no_na_year_df$Year.End

# Make a new data.frame and fill it using a for-loop
# This is a slow way to do it but our dataset is not huge 
sinclair_population_df <- data.frame()
for(year in min_year:max_year) {
    # Generate the station count
    # Remember to take care of possible NA values in `end_year`
    new_row <- sinclair_dma_attr_df %>%
        filter( Year.Start <= year & (Year.End >= year | is.na(Year.End)) ) %>%
        summarize(TV.Homes.Tot = sum(TV.Homes), Percent.of.US.Tot = sum(Percent.of.US))
    new_row$Year = c(year)
    sinclair_population_df <- rbind(sinclair_population_df, new_row)
In [27]:
sinclair_population_df[sample(1:nrow(sinclair_population_df), 5),]
302523441022.001 2000
2 1119480 0.976 1972
17 2040220 1.779 1987
21 5109030 4.455 1991
261418464012.368 1996
In [46]:
# Create the plot
sinclair_population_plot <- ggplot(data = sinclair_population_df) +
    geom_line(aes(x = Year, y = Percent.of.US.Tot), color = brewer.pal(3, "Set2")[2]) +
    ggtitle("Sinclair Viewership") + 
    xlab("Year") + ylab("Percent of USA Population") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(color="#666666", face="bold", size=20))


As we can see, this plot shows a very similar story compared to its earlier counterpart in Sinclair Station Exploration. Points of highest slope appear during large acquisitions in the mid-90s and 2011-2013. The last 5 years contain the all-time maximum:

In [43]:
tail(sinclair_population_df$Percent.of.US.Tot, n = 5)
  1. 31.055
  2. 36.287
  3. 34.314
  4. 34.828
  5. 35.494
In [29]:

So, currently, Sinclair Broadcast delivers local news to 35.494% of the US population. This number was highest in 2014 with a value of 36.287%.

In [30]:

Nielson estimates the total number of TV homes for the 2016-2017 period is 118.4 million. Using this we number we validate our previous estimate because 41,619,730 / 118,400,000 = 0.3515 = 35.15%. The numbers differ slightly because not every "TV Home" will have the same number of people in it.

In [31]:
500 -70.97725 43.35754 1 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -70.95991 43.54138 2 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -71.11016 43.50660 3 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -71.12750 43.57367 4 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -71.26042 43.57119 5 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
500 -71.53203 43.76496 6 FALSE 1 500.1 dma: 44.36667 91.3 500 Portland-Auburn, ME67.9 23.7 -70.18301
In [32]:
sinclair_final_df <- merge(sinclair_dma_df, dma_geo_df, by.x = "DMA", by.y = "dma1")
sinclair_final_df <- sinclair_final_df %>%
    select(DMA, id, long, lat, order, hole, piece, group, Year.Start, Year.End)
sinclair_final_df <- sinclair_final_df[order(sinclair_final_df$id, sinclair_final_df$order),]
In [33]:
3227Portland-Auburn, ME500 -70.97725 43.35754 1 FALSE 1 500.1 NA NA
3167Portland-Auburn, ME500 -70.95991 43.54138 2 FALSE 1 500.1 NA NA
3316Portland-Auburn, ME500 -71.11016 43.50660 3 FALSE 1 500.1 NA NA
3277Portland-Auburn, ME500 -71.12750 43.57367 4 FALSE 1 500.1 NA NA
3278Portland-Auburn, ME500 -71.26042 43.57119 5 FALSE 1 500.1 NA NA
3209Portland-Auburn, ME500 -71.53203 43.76496 6 FALSE 1 500.1 NA NA
In [34]:
plot_sinclair_dmas <- function(year) {
    # Separate the spatial data into four datasets
    plot_df <- sinclair_final_df %>%
        mutate(Acquired = case_when(
            (Year.Start < year) & (Year.End > year | is.na(Year.End)) ~ "acquired\nprevious years",
            Year.Start == year ~ "acquired\nthis year",
            Year.End == year ~ "sold\nthis year",
            TRUE ~ "not held")
    # We don't want to show the DMAs that were not held during the given year
    held_mask <- plot_df$Acquired != "not held"
    plot_df <- plot_df[held_mask, ]
    factor_levels <- c("acquired\nprevious years", "acquired\nthis year", "sold\nthis year")
    plot_df$Acquired <- factor(plot_df$Acquired, levels = factor_levels)
    # Pick some nice colors
    nice_colors <- brewer.pal(3, "Set2")
    # Make the plot
    ggplot() +
        coord_map("albers", lat0 = 37.5, lat1 = 29.5) + 
        geom_polygon(data = dma_geo_df,
                     aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
                     color = "gray60") +
        geom_polygon(data = plot_df,
                     aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = Acquired),
                     color = "gray60") +
        scale_fill_manual(values = nice_colors, drop = FALSE) +
        theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.1, color="#666666", face="bold", size=20), 
            axis.text = element_blank(), 
            axis.line = element_blank(), 
            axis.ticks = element_blank(),
            axis.title = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_blank(),
            legend.position = c(0.93, 0.5),
            legend.key.size = unit(1, "cm"),
            legend.text = element_text(size=12),
            legend.title = element_text(size=12),
            panel.grid = element_blank(),
            panel.background = element_blank()) +
        ggtitle(paste("Sinclair DMAs in", year))
In [35]:
In [47]:
In [48]:
ggsave(filename = 'Sinclair_Viewership.png', 
    plot = sinclair_population_plot,
    width = unit(8, "cm"),
    height = unit(5, "cm"))
In [ ]:
max_year <- max(sinclair_final_df$Year.Start, na.rm = TRUE)
min_year <- min(sinclair_final_df$Year.Start, na.rm = TRUE)

for(year in min_year:max_year) {
    image <- plot_sinclair_dmas(year)
    image.name <- paste("Sinclair_DMAs", year, sep = "_")
    image.name <- paste(image.name, ".png", sep = "")
    ggsave(filename = image.name, 
        plot = image,
        path = IMAGE_OUTPUT_PATH,
        width = unit(14, "cm"),
        height = unit(10, "cm"))